The role and responsibilities of the Strength and Conditioning (S&C) Professional are very distinctive, especially when considered in comparison to the other organization “team” of professionals whom are also responsible for the medical care and athletic...
Interview with Dave Tenney
Today, I’m happy to have coach Dave Tenney of the Seattle Sounders (MLS) on the site. I first met Dave a couple years back when he asked if I could evaulate some of the players on the team using the Omegawave because the organization was considering purchasing...

Heart Rate Variability Research Review
Originally developed in the 1960’s as part of the Russian space program, the science of heart rate variability has since found broad application in cardiac medicine, though in the last two decades this technology has spread into the elite levels of strength and...
The Truth About Injuries
In the last year or two, one of the hottest topics in the world of strength of conditioning has been the question of whether or not to include crunches and/or other exercise that includes spinal flexion in training programs. A few experts say “yes”, most these days...
Interviewed by Jim Laird
A few weeks ago I met Jim Laird of J&M Strength & Conditioning at the Midwest Performance Enhancement Seminar and was asked if I’d be up for doing a live interview on his blog talk radio show. I agreed to do it and after an hour of talking about a...
Recovery Methods – The Sauna
In this article series, I’ll be profiling some of the different recovery/regeneration methods that I’ve tested and used over the years to speed up recovery. I think there is quite a bit of confusion out there about what works and what doesn’t work...