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Sleeping Your Way to Fitness

Sleeping Your Way to Fitness

My goal as a coach is to help you get the most out of every workout, plain and simple. And if you look around 8WeeksOut, you'll find plenty of articles on how to do that by writing conditioning programs. But here's the truth that I tell everyone I train: unless you're...

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Mastering the Ancient Art of Medicine Ball Training

Mastering the Ancient Art of Medicine Ball Training

Almost 3,000 years ago, Persian wrestlers would take animal bladders, stuff them full of sand and use them in their training. In 1889, Professor Robert Roberts first coined the term "medicine ball" in Scientific American and said, "Playful exercise with it invigorates...

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Don’t Crack Under Pressure: How to Train Resilience

Don’t Crack Under Pressure: How to Train Resilience

You’re likely aware that mental performance isn’t as simple as being “mentally tough.” You’ve also probably got a good idea of what psychological resilience or mental performance looks like as an outcome. When you think of the characteristics of tough, resilient...

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How to cheat death (or die trying)

How to cheat death (or die trying)

When I was in middle school, I used to walk to the local bookstore and pick up the latest copy of FLEX magazine every month without fail. I was a teenager, so my motivation was pretty simple: I wanted to learn how to get big arms and six pack abs to impress the girls....

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