The Coaches Guide to Programming for Maximum Health and Longevity
Live workshop with Joel Jamieson and Mike Robertson Saturday, Jan 25th, 10:00am-5:00pm
Now more than ever, people are turning to fitness to improve their health and longevity. Learn how to write life-changing training programs from two of the top coaches in the fitness industry.
Joel Jamieson and Mike Robertson
What does it mean to be FIT FOR LIFE?
This workshop is exactly what it sounds like: the best information we collectively have on how to translate fitness and training into health and longevity.
This is 100% where the fitness industry is heading. And it should be.
People want to know how their time and money spent in the gym will help them play with their grandkids, live unassisted, and stay independent as they age.
And every coach needs to know how to help them reach those goals.
That’s what Fit for Life is all about.
Many people, coaches and trainers included, think that fitness is about having 6-pack abs or being able to lift hundreds of pounds in the gym.
What they don’t understand is that the real, often untapped power of fitness is that it’s the best tool we have to fight off chronic diseases, preserve independence, and remain mobile as we age
But the key is how you do it, which is what you’ll learn when you register.
This workshop will teach you:
Learn from two of the top coaches in the industry
Mike Robertson and Joel Jamieson have 40 years of combined coaching experience, working with the highest level of professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, UFC, MLB, and beyond. And they’ve transformed the lives of tens of thousands of clients who want to live healthier for longer.
Their practical, results-driven approach to training and coaching make them sought after by teams, organizations, and individuals around the world.
If you’re a coach who wants to help people perform at the highest level while being the healthiest version of themselves, these are the coaches you should be listening to.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fit for Life
Attendance capped at 30 people