In this final installment of my series on Tim Boetsch’s UFC 130 training camp and the use of HRV to manage the training process, you can really see the big picture of what a training camp really looks like from the inside out. The final result was a drop in...
UFC 130 Training Camp: Weeks 1-2
In the second part of this article series on Tim Boetsch’s training for UFC 130, you can get an inside look at accumulated training effects, something that needs to be well understood if you’re going to effectively design and manage training programs. All...
UFC 130 Training Camp: An Inside Look
In this article series, I’m going to be providing an inside look at a component of training that is one of the most often neglected: program management. All too often, people write programs and then mechanically work their way through them without every really...

Lately I’ve been neck deep in research and discussions with various people on the subject of overtraining, so I wanted to take a few minutes to post my latest thoughts on the subject. First, I’ve used HRV for the last 14+ years on well over 1000 athletes...
Molecular Adaptations to Training Review
A couple nights a week I get some extra time to do nothing but spending time researching a particular area of training that interested me at the moment so I thought I’d share a particular interesting piece of reserach I came across when doing so tonight. On this...