This article is going to focus on the psychological training process we use to prepare people for SOF (special operations force) selections. This framework develops baseline skills that are later refined in the selection and training environment. The process below is...
Special Operator Training
This is the first in a series of articles in which I will discuss the physiological and psychological aspects of special operator training. This series will introduce a conceptual framework for training these unique athletes effectively. Each article will give a...
Combat Sports Injury Prevention
Within the last year, countless fights in the UFC have had to be canceled due to injuries to one, or even both, of the fighters. Not long ago, an entire show even had to be canceled because of injuries and the problem doesn’t seem to be getting any better… Not...
Recovery Strategies
Recovery and regeneration strategies have become a hot topic in the fitness world as of late, but there’s a lot more misinformation than anything else. In this week’s episode of 8WeeksOut U, I’ll share with you the details of why, when and how to use...
How to Fix Your Bootcamp Training
Over the last several years, bootcamp training has taken over the fitness industry. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them suck! Not only are they NOT designed to produce the best results, most of them are set up to cause injuries and overtraining A Better Approach...
Sports Injuries – Let’s Stop Blaming the Exercise
Recently, while both attending and presenting at a professional conference, during a particular speaker presentation a conversation (actually a debate) arose by some attendees regarding their opposition (actually condemning) of the utilization of specific weight room...