After 20 years of using HRV, if there’s one thing I can say with absolute certainty, it’s that when used effectively, it’s an invaluable tool for improving your conditioning. In my experience, it’s the “effectively” part where most people struggle. They’re not quite...
Don’t Crack Under Pressure: How to Train Resilience
You’re likely aware that mental performance isn’t as simple as being “mentally tough.” You’ve also probably got a good idea of what psychological resilience or mental performance looks like as an outcome. When you think of the characteristics of tough, resilient...
4 Steps to Turn off Stress and Accelerate Your Recovery
Early in my career I discovered that, for a lot of people, training — something that’s supposed to make us stronger and healthier — is tearing us down, leaving us injured, burned out, and tired of putting in the effort only to continue to struggle to get the results...
5 Simple Strategies to Boost your HRV
Fitness technology can be incredibly powerful and deliver better results…or it can be a complete waste of time and money. The difference lies in understanding how to make it work for you. To get the most out of heart rate variability, the single most valuable...
Strength Hacking with HRV: Part 2
Last week I told you that the single biggest reason people hit strength plateaus, overtrain and fail to reach their true strength potential isn’t because because of reasons everyone thinks, but rather because they fail to maintain the right balance between the...
Strength Hacking with HRV
Training has changed dramatically over the years. In the 6th-century BC, Milo of Croton would carry a calf on his shoulders every day until it became a full-sized bull. Unknowingly, Milo was in the process of discovering the principle of progressive overload. Simply...