The term “mental toughness” has become a popular buzzword in strength, conditioning, and fitness circles over the last several years, particularly when it comes to conditioning. People are even paying good money to run themselves through brutal military style obstacle...
Special Operator Programming
This is part 2 of a series of articles on special operator training. If you missed part 1, check it out here. In this article I’m going to be covering the general structure that I use to prepare people for special operations selections programs and for active duty...
Speed Training for Football
My understanding of speed and acceleration is deeply rooted in my track and field background. I was blessed with the inherit ability to run fast. At a young age, everything I did was based around the concept of speed. Every game that I played growing up had a speed...
The Ultimate Conditioning Guide
If you’ve been through a few of our articles, you may have noticed a common thread. In fact, the majority of my posts are elaborations of a few core principles of conditioning and fitness. The truth is that having great conditioning really isn’t as difficult as a lot...
Special Operator Training
This is the first in a series of articles in which I will discuss the physiological and psychological aspects of special operator training. This series will introduce a conceptual framework for training these unique athletes effectively. Each article will give a...
Performance Tips: Grip Training
Grip strength is a skill that many athletes simply miss the boat on, and yet it does not take a ton of time to develop. Even though grip strength may not seem obviously applicable to certain sports, it is a surprisingly prevalent physical quality that can makes a...