Video: How to Use a Heart Rate Monitor

Video: How to Use a Heart Rate Monitor

Using a heart rate monitor is one of the most effective ways to get more out of your training, but too many people don’t really know how to use one properly. In this episode, you’ll see just how easy it is to use a heart rate monitor and we’ll show...

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5 Ways to Improve Your Conditioning

5 Ways to Improve Your Conditioning

Getting in great shape might not be easy, but there’s more to conditioning than simply training as hard as you can. After all, if it was simply a matter of nothing more than hard work, professional fighters would never gas out. The following five tips will help...

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CrossFit Champion vs. MMA Conditioning

Welcome to the first episode of 8WeeksOut TV! Discover how the first ever CrossFit Games Champion James Fitzgerald does when he takes on a brutal mma conditioning test that I’ve used to gauge the conditioning of top fighters and other athletes for the last five...

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Roadwork 2.0: The Comeback

Roadwork 2.0: The Comeback

Conditioning has been integral parts of training for combat sports ever since there have been combat sports. As soon as the first combat athlete gassed – probably within the first minute or two of the fight no doubt – it quickly became obvious that any sort of hand to...

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