3 New Conditioning Rules

3 New Conditioning Rules

  Considering that we’re on the brink of the training technology revolution, with more fitness devices and gadgets becoming available almost daily, it’s surprising that in many ways, conditioning is still in the dark ages. If you were to go back in...

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The Ultimate Conditioning Guide

The Ultimate Conditioning Guide

If you’ve been through a few of our articles, you may have noticed a common thread.  In fact, the majority of my posts are elaborations of a few core principles of conditioning and fitness. The truth is that having great conditioning really isn’t as difficult as a lot...

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Strongman Training

Strongman Training

In this episode of 8WeeksOut TV, newest 8WeeksOut and BioForce team member and Strongman National Champion Patrick “The Cannon” Castelli joins us to cover how to properly use strongman training to improve sport performance. Discover how to do the Tire Flip and...

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The Bondarchuk Principles of Periodization

The Bondarchuk Principles of Periodization

Periodization is the complex process of developing a training plan designed to increase performance. This week, special guest Martin Bingisser is back in the final episode on his training series to share his thoughts on the periodization model of the legendary...

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Bondarchuk’s Principles III

Bondarchuk’s Principles III

Guest Martin Bingisser is back with us to share more of his insight into the training principles of the legendary Dr. Anatoliy Bondarchuk. This week, Martin demonstrates the use of more specific exercises that transfer into sports like MMA and football. Bondarchuk...

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Bondarchuk’s Principles Part II – Specific Exercises

Bondarchuk’s Principles Part II – Specific Exercises

This week guest Martin Bingisser is back with us to share more of his insight into the training principles of the legendary Dr. Anatoliy Bondarchuk. In this video, Martin demonstrates the use of specific exercises and how they transfer into the performance of sport....

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