About ten years ago, I put myself through a little experiment to see how exactly much muscle I could gain in eight weeks. I decided to do this after getting into a friendly disagreement with a colleague that insisted he had gained 6 lbs of pure muscle in the same...
Strength AND Conditioning: 3 Rules For Combining Both Into a Single Program That Gets Results
A recent meta-analysis by researchers in Japan (Momma et al 2021) showed just how important it is to include both strength and aerobic conditioning in your training program if your goal is the live the longest, healthiest life possible. What their analysis of a group...
How to Write a World-Class Conditioning Program in 15 Minutes or Less
When I was first getting into the field of strength and conditioning, I remember feeling overwhelmed any time I was asked to write out a training program for someone. I’d often spend hours writing out a single program, only to decide it wasn’t good enough and start...
Conditioning for Strength Athletes
The need for conditioning may be obvious when it comes to training soccer players or combat athletes, but what about strength and power athletes? Should individuals who want to build strength and/or muscle mass worry about conditioning, and, if so, what should they be...
The Explosive Power Formula
Over the past few years, we’ve seen an explosion of data in the field of strength and conditioning. We can now track and analyze more components of sports performance than ever before. However, this process can be overwhelming. The hard part is often knowing where to...
3 Things to STOP doing if you want better conditioning
Whatever your motivation for wanting to improve your conditioning may be, you’ve likely scoured the internet and sites like 8WeeksOut to try to figure out exactly what you should be doing to get in better shape. And I’m sure that you’ve found a mountain of...