3 Tips to Stop Gassing Out

3 Tips to Stop Gassing Out

  Any time a fighter ends up gassed out and face down on the canvas, the simple reaction is to point the finger at a lack of conditioning as the cause. Everyone from forum warriors to fight commentators alike often leap to this conclusion, quickly writing off the...

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Performance Tips: Grip Training

Performance Tips: Grip Training

Grip strength is a skill that many athletes simply miss the boat on, and yet it does not take a ton of time to develop.  Even though grip strength may not seem obviously applicable to certain sports, it is a surprisingly prevalent physical quality that can makes a...

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How to Tire Flip

How to Tire Flip

The tire flip is by far one of the most commonly used Strongman lifts and yet so many people get it wrong. Even though the lift may seem simple, there’s a lot that needs to be done precisely in order for it to be done safely and effectively. Discover how to...

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Zack McCarley’s Box Jumps

Zack McCarley’s Box Jumps

Ever wonder what some of the strongest men in the world do for their training? In this episode of8WeeksOut TV, we haves special guest Zack McCarley, a six-time national champion in sport of Strong Man and reigning America’s Strongest Man. 8WO_November2013.mov Meet...

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BioForce Athlete Profile: Zack McCarley

BioForce Athlete Profile: Zack McCarley

Lightweight Pro Strongman Zack McCarley is a six time national champion, three time reigning America’s Strongest Man under 231 pounds, and the newest BioForce Athlete! Find out how he uses BioForce HRV to keep him at the top of his sport....

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Multidirectional Sled Hip Drills

Multidirectional Sled Hip Drills

The hips are incredibly important for performance in just about any sport. For combat athletes, strong hips are essential to effective kicks, knee strikes and a good guard. Whether you’re an MMA athlete or not, these simple sled drills are a great way to...

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