So You Want to Become a Fighter

So You Want to Become a Fighter

Just about every day I check my email and see messages from aspiring fighters who want to know the secrets to turning their passion into a successful career.  Sometimes the questions are simple— How do you prepare an Epsom salt bath for a last-minute weight cut?— and...

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The Ultimate Conditioning Guide

The Ultimate Conditioning Guide

If you’ve been through a few of our articles, you may have noticed a common thread.  In fact, the majority of my posts are elaborations of a few core principles of conditioning and fitness. The truth is that having great conditioning really isn’t as difficult as a lot...

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3 Tips to Stop Gassing Out

3 Tips to Stop Gassing Out

  Any time a fighter ends up gassed out and face down on the canvas, the simple reaction is to point the finger at a lack of conditioning as the cause. Everyone from forum warriors to fight commentators alike often leap to this conclusion, quickly writing off the...

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Sports Injuries – Let’s Stop Blaming the Exercise

Recently, while both attending and presenting at a professional conference, during a particular speaker presentation a conversation (actually a debate) arose by some attendees regarding their opposition (actually condemning) of the utilization of specific weight room...

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