A few months back a the Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar I met a relatively unassuming guy by the name of Sean Hyson. While you may not be familiar with him by name, as the Group Fitness Director for both Men’s Fitness and Muscle & Fitness...
FREE Training Book Download
Not long ago one of the 8weeksout site members dropped me a line to let me know about a book on training that the author had decided to start distributing for free in order to “share the wealth” as he put it. Well, I downloaded the book myself and took a...
Strength & Conditioning Interview by Cedric Unholz
Recently, I was contacted by an 8weeksout member from Scotland named Cedric Unholz from Scotland asking if I’d be willing to do an interview for his website. I get a pretty good amount of such requests and usually I have a hard time finding the time for them,...
Top 10 Books For Launching a Personal Training Career
More than 10 years ago, I met Joe Dowdell at a workshop at the late Dr. Mel Siff’s house in Colorado. I knew Joe was extremely knowledgeable from the beginning – he had been to more workshops/seminars/training than just about anyone I knew – but I...
My Fight With Dennis Hallman
Back in 1998, I participated in an event called The Ultimate Warrior Challenge in the Vancouver area. I’d been fighting NHB for less than a year and I was looking to get as much experience as I could. I was asked to fight a guy nameded Dennis Hallman and at that time...