Just about every day I check my email and see messages from aspiring fighters who want to know the secrets to turning their passion into a successful career. Sometimes the questions are simple— How do you prepare an Epsom salt bath for a last-minute weight cut?— and...
The Ultimate Conditioning Guide
If you’ve been through a few of our articles, you may have noticed a common thread. In fact, the majority of my posts are elaborations of a few core principles of conditioning and fitness. The truth is that having great conditioning really isn’t as difficult as a lot...
3 Tips to Stop Gassing Out
Any time a fighter ends up gassed out and face down on the canvas, the simple reaction is to point the finger at a lack of conditioning as the cause. Everyone from forum warriors to fight commentators alike often leap to this conclusion, quickly writing off the...
General vs. Specific Conditioning
When it comes to conditioning, one of the most important principles to understand is when to use different training methods and exercises throughout the training year. This is where the concept of general and specific conditioning comes into play and getting this...
The Anaerobic Power Reserve
Understanding the anaerobic power reserve is one of the real keys to getting to the heart of conditioning and performance. In this episode of 8WeeksOut U, I’ll explain exactly what the Anaerobic Power Reserve is and why this simple concept is so important to...
High Resistance Interval Training
Interval training is a common method used by many athletes, but all too often all forms of intervals are lumped together as if they are all equal. In today’s performance tip, you’ll see how high resistance intervals should be done and discover how...