It doesn’t matter if you’re a coach, therapist, or athlete: becoming better is a continual process. This field is growing and changing so rapidly that many coaches will be left behind simply because they won’t grow along with it. In order to build a successful career,...
So You Want to Become a Fighter
Just about every day I check my email and see messages from aspiring fighters who want to know the secrets to turning their passion into a successful career. Sometimes the questions are simple— How do you prepare an Epsom salt bath for a last-minute weight cut?— and...
3 New Conditioning Rules
Considering that we’re on the brink of the training technology revolution, with more fitness devices and gadgets becoming available almost daily, it’s surprising that in many ways, conditioning is still in the dark ages. If you were to go back in...
Special Operator Programming
This is part 2 of a series of articles on special operator training. If you missed part 1, check it out here. In this article I’m going to be covering the general structure that I use to prepare people for special operations selections programs and for active duty...
Special Operator Training
This is the first in a series of articles in which I will discuss the physiological and psychological aspects of special operator training. This series will introduce a conceptual framework for training these unique athletes effectively. Each article will give a...
Combat Sports Injury Prevention
Within the last year, countless fights in the UFC have had to be canceled due to injuries to one, or even both, of the fighters. Not long ago, an entire show even had to be canceled because of injuries and the problem doesn’t seem to be getting any better… Not...