After 20 years of using HRV, if there’s one thing I can say with absolute certainty, it’s that when used effectively, it’s an invaluable tool for improving your conditioning. In my experience, it’s the “effectively” part where most people struggle. They’re not quite...
3 Ways to Fix Heart Rate Training
Back in 2008, I convinced Polar to give me one of their Polar Team 2 heart rate monitoring systems in exchange for helping to spread the word about how to use heart rate monitoring with teams. I quickly put up a big TV in the gym and started connecting it all...
5 Key Strategies to Improve Your Conditioning
To build conditioning to the highest levels takes only two things: consistent effort and the right program. Over the years, I’ve found that most people that come to me because they need to improve their conditioning haven’t been falling short because they weren’t...
The Coptercast with John Berardi: How to become a Change-maker
Introducing the Coptercast In 2003, I went to a conference up in Toronto known as the S.W.I.S. Symposium. I didn’t know it at the time, but when I went to one of the talks featuring Dr. John Berardi, I was witnessing the very beginning of Precision Nutrition....
How to cheat death (or die trying)
When I was in middle school, I used to walk to the local bookstore and pick up the latest copy of FLEX magazine every month without fail. I was a teenager, so my motivation was pretty simple: I wanted to learn how to get big arms and six pack abs to impress the girls....
Is Your Conditioning Program Working? The Billion Dollar Question
A couple months ago, I was up late watching some TV when an HBO documentary about Warren Buffet came on. For those of you who don’t know, Warren Buffet is probably the greatest investor in history—not to mention the third richest person in the world. I always...