Few things make me want to work harder to get out more information than the success stories I get from people who have bought my book, read my articles, and put methods to effective use. This month, Bill Easlick from Fairfax JJ was kind enough to share his experiences...
Another Success Story!
Not long ago, Jason Selva emailed me to let me know of the great success he and his team had been having since using the methods outlined in Ultimate MMA Conditioning. I always love hearing from site members and those who have put my book to use, especially when...
DVD Survey Results Are In!
Last week I sent out a brief email and a survey to take to let me know exactly what topics you wanted to see covered on my upcoming DVD on explosive power for MMA. The results came pouring in faster than I ever expected. In just a few days, more than 500 people took...
Hilarious Sakurai & Matt Brown Karaoke
Okay so this video really has nothing to do with anything related to training whatsoever, but it makes me laugh every time I watch it so I wanted to post it anyway. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve worked with Sakurai on and off since his fight with...
Boetsch Gets Ready For UFC 117
Tim Boetsch has been in town for the past few weeks training for UFC 117, now just a week away. Unfortunately, Tim’s original opponent Thiago Silva had to pull out of the fight just a few days ago due to a back injury so Tim will be facing UFC newcomer Todd...
UFC 111 Camp Wraps up
As we enter the final week of Matt Brown’s training camp for his fight next Saturday in UFC 111, I thought I’d give a brief overview of his camp as a whole and discuss his upcoming fight and future training with us. I believe this was Matt’s third...