
Not long ago, Jason Selva emailed me to let me know of the great success he and his team had been having since using the methods outlined in Ultimate MMA Conditioning. I always love hearing from site members and those who have put my book to use, especially when it’s with an entire team. The results Jason told me about with his team speak for themselves. Just like last month’s success story from Bill Eastlick, I’d like to share what Jason had to say…

Joel, I just wanted to say thank you for putting out such a quality product. We have been using your methods of program design and the result speak for themselves!!!! 2 years in a row my students have kicked some major butt at the BJJ US Nationals. Our team just won our 5th National Title and 80% of our students placed and we produced 3 national champions!!!

The methods outlined in your book are “real world” techniques and program design. My students are able to condition and peak without feeling “tired” or “beaten up”.

I really appreciate the science behind Ultimate MMA Conditioning. It is a no nonsense, realistic program design any coach can follow. The internet is full of other programs that just make you “work hard” day in and day out. There is no testing or form of measure. The end result is an unmotivated athlete.

I only wish your book had come out sooner!!! In 2009 I won the West Coast ADCC Trials. I was slated to represent the USA in Barcelona. I had won at a higher weight class than what I normally compete at  and felt I needed to be in the best shape of my life. At the time I had subscribed to idea that I needed to work harder and harder. I was conditioning 7 days a week. The result was a major pec tear that sidelined me for over year.

I am fully recovered now and my team and I look forward to taking 2011 with a vengeance. With the Ulitimate MMA Conditioning Blueprint, I know we will not be out of shape!!!!

Jason Selva
2009 US ADCC Trial Champion
SELVA BJJ/BJJ Revolution
Team US National Champs 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010