
I took Spencer and Jens over to the hill today and got some video on my cell phone camera for you all to see. This was Jens first trip to the hill and it trashed him! Spencer has been training with me for a few weeks now and he’s in dramtically better shape than when he came so he was able to do much better than the first couple of times we went to the hill.

I was having them do explosive sled drags for 10-30 seconds with heart rate recovery of 140-150 rest intervals (alactic power). We used 45-90lbs on the sleds and trust me it’s one of the most brutal workouts you can do. The hill itself is about 1/4 mile in length so only 2 or 3 trips up with the sled is enough to finish anyone off. You can tell how long the hill is if you look behind Spencer as he’s coming up.

I’ll be surprised if Jens can walk very well on Saturday, he’s never done this type of training before and he said it was one of the worst things he’s ever done but he loves it at the same time. When we came back to the gym I had them doing some explosive rope pulls for speed that are brutal on the back.

I’ll get some better video footage of them training and get it on here next week.