
More than 10 years ago, I met Joe Dowdell at a workshop at the late Dr. Mel Siff’s house in Colorado. I knew Joe was extremely knowledgeable from the beginning – he had been to more workshops/seminars/training than just about anyone I knew – but I didn’t become aware until later just how successful as a trainer and businessman he was. All it took was one visit to his gym in Manhattan to see Joe knew what he was doing not just when it came to training people, but also how to build a tremendously successful training business from the ground up.

The reality is that VERY few trainers are successful when it comes to running a business because they’ve spent their efforts learning how to become trainers or strength coaches. This education doesn’t really translate into running a business and many well meaning trainers have started a training facility only to quickly find out that being a trainer doesn’t make you a businessman. I can’t tell you how many of these private training studios I’ve seen come and go over the last 8 years that I’ve been in business.

In this ebook that Joe generously donated to me to put on the site for download, Joe outlines his recommended books for any aspiring trainer looking to build a successful career as a trainer. I’m a firm believer that if you want to be successful in something, you need to look at what people are doing who are already successful at it. Joe has not only become a very well known and respected trainer, he’s built an extremely successful business in the process so he’s someone worth listening to if you want to do the same thing.