
This week I’m sharing the second installment of instructional videos from Trevor Jackson of AMC Pankration. If you watched last week’s video on hot to punch for maximum power, you got to see firsthand the level of technical instruction and anlysis that Trevor brings. This week’s video is no different, only this time he will teach you the most effective technique to kick with maximum force.

[hidepost]This second video from Trevor is another clip from my DVD, Explosive Power for Combat Sports, and again, it gives you a first hand look into the quality of instruction at AMC Pankration, the second oldest MMA gym in the world.

[hana-flv-player video=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/MMAContent/Trevor+jackson+seq+2+for+ex_MP4+1Mbps_001.mp4″ width=”480″ height=”272″ description=”Trevor Jackson” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]

To see more of Trevor and check out one of the most unique and generally cool websites you’ll ever see, make sure to visit his UniVsAll Embassy site