
This week I wanted to share the first installment of instructional videos from Trevor Jackson of AMC Pankration. Although most people won’t be familiar with him unless they’ve actually trained at AMC, Trevor is absolutely one of the very best instructors in the business and has spent more than 10 years training and coaching under Matt Hume. Watch the video and you’ll what makes him so good.

[hidepost]This particular video from Trevor is a clip from my DVD, Explosive Power for Combat Sports, and I think you’ll quickly see from watching it just how technical Trevor in his instruction and his technique. I’ll be posting many more videos from Trevor soon!

[hana-flv-player video=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/MMAContent/Trevor+jackson+seq+1+for+ex_MP4+1Mbps_002.mp4″ width=”480″ height=”272″ description=”Trevor Jackson” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]

To see more of Trevor and check out one of the most unique and generally cool websites you’ll ever see, make sure to visit his UniVsAll Embassy site