
Matt Brown arrived in town late last week in preparation for his upcoming fight in UFC 111 and officially started his training camp this week. The first order of business was evaluating where his strength and conditioning currently are so that an effective fight prep plan can be developed.

Fortunately, Matt Brown has a very strong work ethic and never lets himself get “out of shape” when he doesn’t have a fight immediately coming up. His evaluation showed that he is already in what I would consider good shape and his resting heart rate was actually lower than it was in any of his past training camps. It was down to 54bpm this morning and in previous training camps it had been low to mid 60s.

We have roughly 6 weeks of training before we’ll have to leave for NJ. The goal in this camp will of course to be make sure his conditioning is the best it’s ever been, but also to continue to develop Matt’s explosive power. His conditioning has always been good, but we will make it even better. I will be posting pictures and video of his training throughout this camp all the way up to when he steps in the octagon, so stay tuned for more coming soon…