Ten years ago, when I used to give a talk to a room full of fitness people, I’d often ask how many of them were using heart rate variability (HRV). When nobody would raise their hand, I’d ask how many of them knew what HRV even was. A couple of hands usually went up,...
Sleeping Your Way to Fitness
My goal as a coach is to help you get the most out of every workout, plain and simple. And if you look around 8WeeksOut, you’ll find plenty of articles on how to do that by writing conditioning programs. But here’s the truth that I tell everyone I train:...
How Mental Stress Can Sabotage Your Fitness—And What to Do About It
Not long after I opened my gym in 2003, a high-level Microsoft exec came in to train with me. He played recreational volleyball and was only 5’9”, so he was desperate to increase his vertical jump. After working with him for a month or so, his vert was up a little...
Don’t Crack Under Pressure: How to Train Resilience
You’re likely aware that mental performance isn’t as simple as being “mentally tough.” You’ve also probably got a good idea of what psychological resilience or mental performance looks like as an outcome. When you think of the characteristics of tough, resilient...
The Ultimate 5-minute Regeneration Method
Want to know the best way to get stronger, leaner, better conditioned, and improve your performance? Simple: don’t let yourself get injured. Nothing sabotages progress faster than injuries. Even small, nagging injuries will keep you from training at 100% and...
How to pinpoint your biggest conditioning weaknesses (so you can fix them)
I want to share a quick story with you that will help explain why so many people do endless intervals and high-intensity workouts and yet never really have the conditioning they should… A few years ago, I was in NYC doing a workshop for a group of trainers at...