3 Tips to Stop Gassing Out

3 Tips to Stop Gassing Out

  Any time a fighter ends up gassed out and face down on the canvas, the simple reaction is to point the finger at a lack of conditioning as the cause. Everyone from forum warriors to fight commentators alike often leap to this conclusion, quickly writing off the...

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Combat Sports Injury Prevention

Combat Sports Injury Prevention

Within the last year, countless fights in the UFC have had to be canceled due to injuries to one, or even both, of the fighters. Not long ago, an entire show even had to be canceled because of injuries and the problem doesn’t seem to be getting any better… Not...

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Performance Tips: Grip Training

Performance Tips: Grip Training

Grip strength is a skill that many athletes simply miss the boat on, and yet it does not take a ton of time to develop.  Even though grip strength may not seem obviously applicable to certain sports, it is a surprisingly prevalent physical quality that can makes a...

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Axle Clean and Press

Axle Clean and Press

The Apollon Axle Clean and Press is one of the more common strongman lifts and while similar to the Olympic weightlifting style clean and jerk, the technique is unique. Although it’s conceptually simple, this lift requires great precision. The bar itself can be...

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Atlas Stone

Atlas Stone

The atlas stone is by far the most iconic and oldest of the strongman lifts and yet so many people get it totally wrong. Although simplistic in idea, this ancient lift is very technical and there’s a lot that needs to be done very precisely for it to be done...

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