CrossFit Champion vs. MMA Conditioning

Welcome to the first episode of 8WeeksOut TV! Discover how the first ever CrossFit Games Champion James Fitzgerald does when he takes on a brutal mma conditioning test that I’ve used to gauge the conditioning of top fighters and other athletes for the last five...

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Tim Boetsch: UFC 144 Comeback Knockout

If you saw UFC 144 last Saturday, then you no doubt saw one of the better 3rd round comebacks in long time in Tim’s fight against Yushin Okami. Joe Rogan went so far as to call it “one of the greatest UFC comebacks of all time” and there’s no...

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Roadwork 2.0: The Comeback

Roadwork 2.0: The Comeback

Conditioning has been integral parts of training for combat sports ever since there have been combat sports. As soon as the first combat athlete gassed – probably within the first minute or two of the fight no doubt – it quickly became obvious that any sort of hand to...

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Never Gas Out – MMA Interval Training

Never Gas Out – MMA Interval Training

A while ago, I wrote an article for Fight! magazine on interval training for combat sports. Far too often, “interval training” gets lumped into a single category as if all intervals are the same. If you’ve read my book, Ultimate MMA Conditioning, you...

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