We’ve seen it before, and it’s an awful thing to watch. It’s the middle of a fight, everything’s going well, and before you know it, a fighter “gasses out.” Sometimes he’s saved by the bell, and sometimes he’s even able to defend himself enough to continue and regain...

Never Gas Out – MMA Interval Training
A while ago, I wrote an article for Fight! magazine on interval training for combat sports. Far too often, “interval training” gets lumped into a single category as if all intervals are the same. If you’ve read my book, Ultimate MMA Conditioning, you...

Soccer: Alactic-Aerobic Sport: Part II
In part two of this article, Dave discusses the specific adaptations that occur in response to different types of training and the research behind energy systems in repeated sprints. To conclude this discussion, he also finishes up by going over the practical...

Soccer: Alactic-Aerobic Sport: Part I
The past couple years have yielded much debate about which methods should be employed during training for elite soccer. Most likely, such debate takes place because coaches do not fully understand the exact work demands imposed on soccer players, nor do they...

Intensity Of Training
Intensity, intensity, intensity…the higher the better! Higher intensity means faster results! If you’ve been paying attention to the world of performance training in recent years, it’s a safe bet that you’ve seen this mantra repeated ad nauseam in countless articles,...

Putting an End to the LSD vs. HIIT Debate
Over the last several years, there has been a growing trend in MMA conditioning circles to abandon any and all longer/slower forms of training in favor of higher intensity intervals. Experts often point to various research, supposedly showing the benefits of this...