
The tire flip is by far one of the most commonly used Strongman lifts and yet so many people get it wrong. Even though the lift may seem simple, there’s a lot that needs to be done precisely in order for it to be done safely and effectively. Discover how to master the tire flip.

Welcome to Strong Man 101

This is the beginning of a free, 3-part mini instructional series to provide the best, efficient, and safe techniques for strongman lifts. The use of strongman implements has drastically increased, unfortunately resulting in a lot of improper coaching and instruction being made public….

Mastering the Tire Flip

Most people assume that being one of the strongest men in the world means lifting all the time.  What they don’t know is how much technique is involved.

Today, we talk with National Strongman, Patrick Castelli, and America’s Strongest Man, Zack McCarley, to receive the best technical advice for mastering the tire flip.

Why the tire flip?

There is a particularly large amount of misinformation regarding this Strongman lift.  Countless injuries could have been prevented with just simple adjustments in technique.

Address misinformation regarding tire flip technique
-Break down the proper tire flip technique

The Proper Tire Flip Technique

1.)    Find the stance you feel comfortable in by getting ready to jump
2.)    Approach the tire, usually from about 1.5 ft away
3.)    Crouch with chest forward, slightly upward, pressed against the tire
4.)    Establish a grip outside of your feet
5.)    Step in with one foot towards the tire
6.)   With the lagging leg, knee the tire & use your hands to push it over

Make sure you have solid contact of your chest and shoulders with the tire to drive it up. 

Misinformation about the Tire Flip

You should have your hands positioned at the center of the tire to flip it from a sumo stance.

Why this is wrong:  As you stand up, your chest and shoulders are not in contact with the tire.  This causes strain to be placed on your biceps.  It’s no surprise that the most common injury from the tire flip is a distal torn bicep. 

learn how to safely master the atlas stone lift

We are going to be coming out with a very in-depth, detailed instructional course on all the strongman events, and multiple variations of each, taught by the best in the world at each event.