
Lightweight Pro Strongman Zack McCarley is a six time national champion, three time reigning America’s Strongest Man under 231 pounds, and the newest BioForce Athlete! Find out how he uses BioForce HRV to keep him at the top of his sport.

BioForce Athlete Profile: Zack McCarley

Lightweight Pro Strongman Zack McCarley is a six time national champion, three time reigning America’s Strongest Man under 231 pounds, and the newest BioForce Athlete!

Zack’s Start in Strongman

First becoming interested with lifting weights when he was about 13, due to the fact that it is universally measureable, Zack began a long road to dominance. It’s something that he feels you can see the progression as you get better.
Competing in strongman, powerlifting, and now rounding it off with some Olympic lifting, Zack’s strength and power has been successful transferring across multiple strength sports. His athletic ability goes beyond the barbell, as he was also a national collegiate wrestler.

Overcoming Obstacles in Training for Strongman

Training for strongman has been his life for the last several years, but it can break you down. Even with all his experience, serious injuries can still occur. In March of 2013, he had suffered an injury to his lower back that almost ended his career. That injury could have been avoided if he had the tools and the knowledge he has today. He attributes this to taking a closer listen to what his body tells him.

Most people don’t realize over-training and under-resting are one in the same. People often become caught up in training hard all the time. When Zack trains five to six days a week, three of those days are light days, active recovery-style days. You have to know your body. You have to recover. You have to become the best you possible if you want to become a champion. And Zack’s done just that!

Working with BioForce

Excited to work with Bioforce, Zack had done his research on HRV and believes that this is the tool to really maximize your training based on what your body needs most. Even after ten years of training, Zack admits there are still days that he’s not 100 percent sure what his body needs, and Bioforce gives him the insight to what it needs most. As the most dominant Lightweight Pro Strongman, Zack McCarley and BioForce are sure to extend his reign, and excited for the future!