My friend and colleague, physical preparation coach Mladen Jovanoic, has outdone himself with this special 8weeksout version of his “Physical Preparation for Soccer” ebook that I’m making available for FREE download. I first came across an incredibly detailed powerpoint presentation Mladen had done on the subject many years ago, long before I got to know him, so I recently asked if he’d be willing to let me pass his fine work along to members of the site. Fortunately, he was glad to share all the efforts of his work with everyone on the site and he even put together this special version exclusively for members of Once you read through it, you’ll quickly see why I think Mladen is one of the most well researched coaches out there. He’s put in a tremendous amount of time researching performance in all aspects and has a great ability to conceptualize training into different models. Make sure to visit Mladen’s blog for more great training articles and information.
Soccer Performance Training – FREE Download
- Help me with a conditioning plan. - Page 3 - Sherdog Mixed Martial Arts Forums - [...] Soccer Performance Training – FREE Download This one is an extended soccer physical preperation manual, including an 8 week…
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Really good stuff, Mladen. It’ll be interesting to see what changes you’ll make in the future after experimenting with your team.
As a side point, for me a lot of the links aren’t working.. not sure if it affects anyone else.
what links aren’t working exactly?
Pretty much all of them. It may be my browser (chrome), but there’s a link to his site at the end that works. But there appears to be a fair few links to either his blog, this one, lyle’s site etc.
To give a specific example:
“Expert development is really a complex problem (I have talked about it in this blog entry)” where the link appears to be on ‘blog entry’
Thank you pikku.
Couple of other guys were reporting bad links inside my blog and document. The links will take you to the google documents in PDF. They are available for public and works on my comp. Probably, you don’t have Acrobat Reader add-on for your browser and that can make problems.
Mladen Jovanović
I have created PDF file from Word 2010, and it seems that in the conversation to pdf from .doc links are lost somehow. If someone can convert the .doc file to pdf with links I am more than willing to send him .doc file.