
The Ultimate Guide to Metabolic Conditioning for Maximum Performance & Health

Cutting-edge tips, tricks and strategies to help you maximize your performance, break through plateaus and recover faster than ever

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Conditioning Certification

Become 100% confident in your ability to write and coach game-changing conditioning programs.

My BioForce Conditioning Certification is the first complete, practical, self-guided certification for serious coaches that want to get to the top and learn how to write conditioning programs that win.

8WeeksOut Conditioning Certification
Who is Joel Jamieson?

Who is Joel Jamieson?

Joel is a best-selling author and one of the world’s foremost authorities on strength, conditioning, and energy systems. His training strategies have been used by thousands of elite performers and top athletes worldwide, including the Navy SEALS, UFC champions, and dozens of teams from the NFL, NBA, MLS, NCAA, and more.